The Government of Tanzania (GoT), through a loan and grant from the African Development
Bank (AfDB) is implementing the District Agricultural Sector Investment Project (DASIP).
The project aims at increasing productivity and incomes of rural households in the project area
within the overall framework of the Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDP).
DASIP is a six year Project whose implementation started in January, 2006. It covers a total of
28 districts in Kagera, Kigoma, Mara, Mwanza and Shinyanga regions. Details in relation to
expected outputs of the Project are indicated in Annex 1. All project interventions are focusing
on achieving the Project outputs which in turn are expected to lead into achievement of the
Project objective. Table 1 below indicates names and numbers of districts covered by the
project in each Region.
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Anuani ya Posta: 126, Bunda
Simu: 0282621055
Hamishika: 0754335739
Barua Pepe:
Haki Miliki@ 2017 Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Bunda